Sunday, September 14, 2008

the College Dream

that you are in your freshman year of college. Tell me about it.

My example:

September 2012 I drive my new red Mustang convertible across the
campus of UCLA. I wear jeans and a nice green shirt
because I love that color. My roommate is from Montana and he has a
horse. On Thanksgiving break I’m going to his ranch and we are
riding up in the hills on horseback.

studying biology and plan to live near the ocean one day.

Monday, September 01, 2008

1. Google email account
EXAMPLE Andrew Baker 1990

password is your student ID

secret question is Other the write "What is my mother's birth year?"

secret answer is the year of your mother's birth

2. Send 1 email to Mr Jones:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Welcome to all my students at Manley High School

Students I have a short information form that I need you to fill out. Click Here.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Compost everything

Make compost of all garbage. Yes you have to pull out the organics that rot. At the same time sort out metals, glass, plastic and paper. This can and SHOULD be done now. Make methane. Make ethanol. Then start growing GRASS, no not cannibus, for fermentation to alcohol. Make a law that says no food crops (=corn, wheat, soy, etc.) shall ever be used for fuel. We could convert to ethanol in 5 years, folks!! Just 5 years!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Married 30 years

Married 30 years to my true love, Marie. I am a happy man! August 19, 1978 was the big day. Next year I give away 2 daughters. Marriage is good.
Married 30 years to my true love, Marie. I am a happy man! August 19, 1978 was the big day. Next year I give away 2 daughters. Marriage is good.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My webpage on Chicago Public Schools

This link should allow you to see my website on CPS. It is done from First Class our email and collaborative software application.

Friday, August 01, 2008

This is a shout out to all friends. I'm using Going out for dinner tonight with my mistress and wife.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Goody Two Shoes

FARMER MEANWELL was at one time a very rich
man. He owned large fields, and had fine flocks of
sheep, and plenty of money. But all at once his good for-
tune seemed to desert him. Year after year his crops failed,
his sheep died off, and he was obliged to borrow money to
pay his rent and the wages of those who worked on the

At last he had to sell his farm, but even this did not bring
him in money enough to pay his debts, and he was worse off
than ever.

, , Among those who had lent money to Farmer Mean well
were Sir Thomas Gripe, and a Farmer named Graspall.

Sir Thomas was a very rich man indeed, and Farmer
Graspall had more money than he could possibly use. But
they were both very greedy and covetous, and particularly
hard on those who owed them anything. Farmer Graspall
abused Farmer Meanwell and called him all sorts of dreadful
names ; but the rich Sir Thomas Gripe was more cruel still,
and wanted the poor debtor shut up in jail.

So poor Farmer Meanwell had to hasten from the place
where he had lived for so many years, in order to get out of
the way of these greedy men.

He went to the next village, taking his wife and his two
little children with him. But though he was free from Gripe
and Graspall she was not free from trouble and care.

He soon fell ill, and when he found himself unable to get
food and clothes for his family, he grew worse and worse and
soon died.

His wife could not bear the loss of her husband, whom
she loved so dearly, and in a few days she was dead.

The two orphan children seemed to be left entirely alone
in the world, with no one to look after them, or care for them,
but their Heavenly Father.

They trotted around hand in hand, and the poorer they
became the more they clung to each other Poor, ragged,
and hungry enough they were !

Tommy had two shoes, but Margery went barefoot. They
had nothing to eat but the berries that grew in the woods,
and the scraps they could get from the poor people in the
village, and at night they slept in barns or under hay-stacks.

Their rich relations were too proud to notice them. But
Mr. Smith, the clergyman of the village where the children
were born, was not that sort of a man. A rich relation came
to visit him a kind-hearted gentleman and the clergyman
told him all about Tommy and Margery. The kind
gentleman pitied them, and ordered Margery a pair of shoes
and gave Mr. Smith money to buy her some clothes,
which she needed sadly. As for Tommy he said he would
take him off to sea with him and make him a sailor. After a
few days, the gentleman said he must go to London and
would take Tommy with him, and sad was the parting
between the two children.

Poor Margery was very lonely indeed, without her
brother, and might have cried herself sick but for the new
shoes that were brought home to her.

They turned her thoughts from her grief; and as soon as
she had put them on she ran in to Mrs. Smith and cried out:
"Two shoes, ma'am, two shoes!" These words she re-
peated to every one she met, and thus it was she got the
name of

Little Margery had seen now good and wise Mr. Smith
was, and thought it was because of his great learning ; and
she wanted, above all things, to learn to read. At last she
made up her mind to ask Mr. Smith to teach her when he
had a moment to spare. He readily agreed to do this, and
Margery read to him an hour every day, and spent much
time with her books.

Then she laid out a plan for teaching others more ignorant
than herself. She cut out of thin pieces of wood ten sets of
large and small letters of the alphabet, and carried these with
her when she went from house to house. When she came
to Billy Wilson's she threw down the letters all in a heap,
and Billy picked them out and sorted them in lines, thus :
abed efghij k,
and so on until all the letters were in their right places.

From there trotted off to another
cottage, and here were several children waiting for her. As
soon as the little girl came in they all crowded around her,
and were eager to begin their lessons at once.

Then she threw the letters down and said to the boy next
her, " What did you have for dinner to-day?" "Bread,"
answered the little boy. " Well, put down the first letter,"
said . Then he put down B, and the next
child R, and the. next E, and the next A, and the next D,
and there was the wole word BREAD.

" What did you have for dinner, Polly Driggs ? "

" Apple-pie," said Polly ; upon which she laid down the
first letter, A, and the next put down a P, and the next
another P, and so on until the words Apple and Pie were
united, and stood thus: APPLE PIE.

Now it happened one evening that was
going home rather late. She had made a longer round
than usual, and everybody had kept her waiting, so that
night came on before her day's work was done. Right
glad was she to set out for her own home, and she walked
along contentedly through the fields, and lanes, and roads,
enjoying the quiet evening. The evening was not cool,
however, but close and sultry, and betokened a storm. Pres-
ently a drop fell on Goody's face. What should she do? If
she did not make haste she would soon be wet to the skin.

Fortunately there was an old barn down the road, in which
she could find shelter, and gathered her
skirts about her and took to her heels, and ran as if some-
body was after her. The owner of the barn had died lately,
and the property was to be sold, and there was a lot of loose
hay on the floor which had not yet been taken away.

cuddled down in the soft hay, glad of
a chance to rest her weary limbs, and quite out of breath
with her long run ; and just then down rattled the rain, the
thunder roared, the lightning flashed, and the old barn
trembled, and so did .

She had not been there long before she heard footsteps,
and three men came into the barn for shelter. The hay was
piled up between her and them, so that they could not see
her, and, thinking they were alone, they spoke quite loudly.

They were plotting to rob Squire Trueman, who lived in
the great house in Margery's village, and were to break in
and steal all they could that very night. This was quite
enough for . She waited for nothing, but
dashed out of the barn, and ran through rain and mud till she
came to the Squire's house.

He was at dinner with some friends, and any one else but
Goody would have found it difficult to gain admission to him.
But she was well known to the servants, and was so kind
and obliging, that even the big fat butler could not refuse to
do her bidding, and went and told the squire that Goody
Two Shoes wished very much to see him.

So the squire asked his friends to excuse him for a
moment, and came out and said, "Well, ,
my good girl, what is it?" "Oh, sir," she replied, "if you
do not take care you will be robbed and murdered this very

Then she told all she had heard the men say while she
was in the barn.

The squire saw there was not a moment to lose, so he
went back and told his friends the news he had heard. They
.all said they would stay and help him take the thieves. So
the lights were put out, to make it appear as if all the people
in the house were in bed, and servants and all kept a close
watch both inside and outside.

Sure enough, at about one o'clock in the morning the
three men came creeping, creeping up to the house with a
dark lantern, and the tools to break in with. Before they
were aware, six men sprang out on them, and held them fast.
The thieves struggled in vain to get away. They were

locked in an out-house until daylight, when a cart came and
took them off to jail.

They were afterward sent out of the country, where they
had to work in chains on the roads ; and it is said that one
of them behaved so well that he was pardoned, and went to
live at Australia, where he became a rich man.

The other two went from bad to worse, and it is likely
that they came to some dreadful end. For sin never goes

But to return to . One day as she was
walking through the village she saw some wicked boys with
a raven, at which they were going to throw stones. To stop
this cruel sport she gave the boys a penny for the raven,
and brought the bird home with her. She gave him the
name of " Ralph,"and he proved to be a very clever creature
indeed. She taught him to spell, and to read, and he was
so fond of playing with the large letters, that the children
called them " Ralph's Alphabet."

Some days after Goody had met with the raven, she was
passing through a field, when she saw some naughty boys
who had taken a pigeon, and tied a string to its legs in order
to let it fly and draw it back again when they pleased.

Goody could not bear to see anything tortured like that, so
she bought the pigeon from the boys and taught him how to
spell and read. But he could not talk. And as Ralph, the
raven, took the large letters, Peter, the pigeon, took care of
the small ones.

Mrs. Williams, who lived in Margery's village, kept
school, and taught little ones their A B C's. She was now
old and feeble, and wanted to give up this important trust.

This being known to Sir William Dove, he asked Mrs.
Williams to examine and see if she was
not clever enough for the office. This was done, and Mrs.
Williams reported that little Margery was the best scholar,
and had the best heart of any one she had ever examined.
All the country had a great opinion of Mrs. Williams, and
this report made them think highly of Miss MARGERY, as we
must now call her.

So Margery Meanwell was now a schoolmistress, and a
capital one she made. The children all loved her, for she
was never weary of making plans for their happiness.

The room in which she taught was large and lofty, and
there was plenty of fresh air in it ; and as she knew that
children liked to move about, she placed her sets of letters all
round the school, so that every one was obliged to get up to
find a letter, or spell a word, when it came their turn.

This exercise not only kept the children in good health,
but fixed the letters firmly in their minds.

The neighbors were very good to her, and one of them
made her a present of a little skylark, whose early morning
song told the lazy boys and girls that it was time they were
out of bed.

Some time after this a poor lamb lost its dam, and the
farmer being about to kill it, she bought it of him, and
brought it home to play with the children.

Soon after this a present was made to Miss Margery of a
dog, and as he was always in good humor, and always jump-
ing about, the children gave him the name of Jumper. It
was his duty to guard the door, and no one could go out or
come in without leave from his mistress.

Margery was so wise and good that some foolish people
accused her of being a witch, and she was taken to court
and tried before the judge. She soon proved that she was
a most sensible woman, and Sir Charles Jones was so
pleased with her, that he offered her a large sum of money
to take care of his family, and educate his daughter. At
first she refused, but afterwards went and behaved so well,
and was so kind and tender, that Sir Charles would not
permit her to leave the house, and soon after made her an
offer of marriage.

The neighbors came in crowds to the wedding, and all
were glad that one who had been such a good girl, and had
grown up such a good woman, was to become a grand

Just as the clergyman had opened his book, a gentleman,
richly dressed, ran into the church and cried, " Stop ! stop I"

Great alarm was felt, especially by the bride and groom,
with whom he said he wished to speak privately.

Sir Charles stood motionless with surprise, and the bride
fainted away in the stranger's arms. For this richly-dressed
gentleman turned out to be little Tommy Meanwell, who
had just come from sea, where he had made a large fortune.

Sir Charles and Lady Jones lived very happily together,
and the great lady did not forget the children, but was just
as good to them as she had always been. She was also
kind and good to the poor, and the sick, and a friend to all
who were in distress. Her life was a great blessing, and her
death the greatest calamity that ever took place in the
neighborhood where she lived, and was known as Goody Two

Save time by listening to blogs

Odiogo is a service that converts text to audio files that can be listened to on portable devices such as MP3 players or iPods. The robotic reading of the text is pretty good. I was surprised at the quality.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

soggy today sends this message out to my Blogs. It is Soggy Saturday in Oak Park, IL and most of the midwest.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I micro blog therefore I am (probably talking just to myself)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Looking for a chemistry teaching job in Chicago for fall 2008. is a way to post to all blogs at the same time.

Getting used to is a way to post to all blogs at the same time.

Looking for an new teaching job in Chicago

I worked last year at Englewood High School on Chicago's South Side. Since the school was closing, I knew that it would be a 1 year "gig." So again I look for work. I have had several interviews but no offers have been made. My age works against me. A big milestone was the passing of an endorsement exam for chemistry. Hardest test I have taken in 30 years! I passed with a good score. If I could work in teaching computers I would be even happier. Right now I am studying the Visual Basic 2008 .Net language.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

End of the School Year

Things are winding down at Englewood High School. Students are completing last minute make up work. Finals are next week. Tomorrow being Prom day there will be few students attending.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Picasa Web Albums - Jennifer - Silly signs - 100_2906.JPG

Picasa Web Albums - Jennifer - Silly signs - 100_2906.JPG

Becky has a blog now.

Attentions all friends, fans and family of Rebecca Jones Collette should follow her adventures overseas by going to

Oh, always leave her a comment.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Our Little Soldier Girl

I wept on the Eisenhower this morning
My little girl is going to war.
My tears were not for her but for the 4000 plus
Already cold in their dark graves
Ah, such loss, such loss

When my little Bex comes home this month
Saying an early farewell to us
My hugs will be stronger and longer
Because of fear for her,
Fear of losing her.
How could her mother and I go on?
How do the other moms and dads go on?

Little Becky the red haired imp of a toddler
Now carrying pistol and rifle into Afghanistan
She wants to prove that she's a good soldier too
And she is, no doubt of that

Challenges have always been food to her
Cross country, track, auto shop!
That beautiful Academy in Colorado graduated
A freshly minted Lieutenant who married
Her lover that week, another soldier, a pilot
Who will fly those gigantic Buffs as old as me
In defense of what we love and hold dearly

How strange to have been a missionary family in Pakistan
Now to see a daughter go to that alien land of war nearby
Because we need to oppose evil to its face
Not cowering, but brave, and wary
We learned to love the refugees who fled
And made their home in Pindi and Islamabad

I tried to instill in her heart that only two eternal things exist
A heavenly Father and the souls of people
What greater lesson can any earthly father give
To children who put on values as artlessly as dress up clothes

But such loss we feel already, premature
And yet real anxiety of ones who have cared for her so long
We commit our little soldier girl to you Lord
Protect her as only You can.
And please bring her back to us warm and smiling and alive.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Geekster Handbook: How to Tell If You Fit 6 Stereotypes

Fanboy, gamer, gadget guy, hacker, music geek or Otaku? Compare your disposition, beliefs and turn-ons!

read more | digg story

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My calendar

I interviewed at Noble School

Today I took the day off from Englewood HS and taught a sample class at Noble School. I am hoping to get the technology teacher job at Noble.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

You belong to the group!

Did you know you already belong to the Fellowship of Former Fetuses?

Oh and by the way, even though it is improbable to achieve, they need the right to vote too.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Top News - TCEA 2008 serves up ed-tech wisdom

Top News - TCEA 2008 serves up ed-tech wisdom: "Among the approaches that were highlighted were solutions from American Education Corp., Atomic Learning, BenQ, ePals, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, LenSec, Lightspeed Systems, Moodlerooms, PBS TeacherLine, Saywire, Troxell Communications, and Voyager Expanded Learning."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm learning to use Open ID

This has the potential to revolutionize the login process on the Internet.

I sure hope it works.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nick's molecule

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tashima Roberson

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Wholesale Carpet tiles!

Wholesale Carpet tiles!

Twittershare | - Design + Technology for Do-Gooders

Twittershare | - Design + Technology for Do-Gooders: "Web Design | Phoreo, LLC

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Introducing Twittershare.

Share pictures, music, video, and other files with friends using Twitter.
Twittershare | Mac OS X Dashboard Edition
Download Twittershare for Mac OS X
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FTP is so last century. Amp up your timeline with Twittershare.

1) Drag a file onto the widget. 2) Tap out a tweet. 3) Click Twittershare!
Use it how you like!
Sweet, what can I share?

You can share just about anything that's 10 megs or less. There's nothing to sign up for - just a Twitter account. Direct messages, replies, and regular tweets are all fine.

Do not share private files! Like TinyURL links, there is no protection on posted content.
Your Privacy

We care about your privacy and do not store any of your personal information. However if your tweets are public, be aware that the files you share are visible to copyright holders.

If you are a copyright holder and would like to request the removal of a piece of your work, please e-mail us with the infringing URI and proof of your rights to the work.
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P2P Blog » Share files with Twitter via Twittershare

P2P Blog » Share files with Twitter via Twittershare: "Share files with Twitter via Twittershare
02/05 2008 | 11:25 PM
Posted by: Janko Roettgers
Digg founder Kevin Rose has been trying to capture part of the Twitter crowd with his social messaging and file sharing service Pownce, but Pownce hasn't really been able to make headways. Pownce has been getting some props for its file sharing features, but now file sharing is coming to Twitter: The web developers from just unveiled Twittershare - a mashup that combines free file hosting with Twitter messaging.


Twittershare offers Twitter users a web interface and a OS X dashboard widget with drag and drop capabilities to combine the typical SMS-style messages with individual file uploads. Uploaded files are hosted at and links to these files are then posted on Twitter. The maximum file size is ten megabytes.

The only feature that is still missing to catch up with Pownce is the capability to send files to select groups of users - but Twittershare is definitely a nice start for hardcore Twitter users that want to share a file every now and then."

Ten Sites for Free and Legal Torrents « NewTeeVee

Ten Sites for Free and Legal Torrents « NewTeeVee: "Ten Sites for Free and Legal Torrents

Bittorrent downloads are either illegal or DRM-infected, right? Wrong. There are plenty of websites out there that offer free and legal Torrent downloads to save bandwidth and make file sharers happy at the same time.

Granted, sites like The Pirate Bay are still the major source for Bittorrent traffic. But legitimate platforms offer enough video goodies to clog your tubes for days. Here are 10 great places to get started: distributed 90 terabytes of Creative Commons-licensed content in the last seven months alone. The site features lots of music downloads, but also has some good video content like the South African TV show Go Open and the Firefly-Documentary Done The Impossible. All the files are centrally seeded, so your downloads will always have a happy ending.

Public Domain Torrents features hundreds of Torrents from out-of-copyright films in numerous formats. Unfortunately there is no central seeding, so you better stick to the recently posted items.

Legit Torrents is a new site that aggregates freely available Torrents, including video, games and Linux distributions.

Bittorrent has taken a beating for its recently launched download store, but the site still offers lots of freely downloadable content as well. Unfortunately the free stuff gets buried"